Digital know-how onlineWe qualify to transform
The digitalization of industry is progressing steadily and allows the virtual and real world to merge. Discover the right entry opportunities for yourself, rethink your goals and lay the foundation for your successful digital change with the offers of our DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION ACADEMY .
Please note: Our open program is in German.
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Smart Factory
Increasing Operations Productivity with Smart Technologies“Let's do it: In the Smart Factory webinars, we show you how to put the digital transformation of your production into practice.
Digital Value Stream Design - the new standard for value stream optimization & planning
Understanding methods and projects for value stream optimization19.03.2025 German |
online |
05:00 to 06:00 pm |
kostenlos |
Dr. Jochen SchlickSenior Partner & Co-Founder |
Value stream mapping and value stream design with brown paper and stopwatch have established themselves as the gold standard for optimizing and planning production processes. However, against the background of increasing complexity - due to growing product portfolios, difficult framework conditions or clear trends in product sales - this method is reaching its limits: A single value stream is rarely representative of the entire production process.
This is where a new, data-driven & software-supported approach comes in: the Digital Value Stream uses data from the ERP system to develop a holistic data model of all of a company's value streams, even beyond plant boundaries, on the basis of which an overall optimum can be determined. All products, all shared resources and the forecast for the next 1-5 years are considered.
In the webinar, NEONEX Senior Partner Dr. Jochen Schlick presents the approach and discusses the benefits of the method for companies in different situations. He also presents examples from the NEONEX project history and results from these projects.
MES systems: Success factors for selection and implementation
How to make the right choice from around 150 MES providers in Europe and introduce the system successfully8.04.2025 German |
Online |
17:00 - 18-00 Uhr |
for free |
Dr. Peter StephanPrincipal & Co-Founder |
Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) have been a central part of the IT architecture of manufacturing companies that want to seamlessly connect management and Shopfloor levels to create transparency and real-time responsiveness in operations. Despite new technologies such as IIoT- & low-code platforms and service-oriented architectures, the relevance of MES for the industry remains high - primarily because providers are integrating these developments into their systems in order to remain competitive.
With around 150 MES providers in Europe, many companies find it difficult to maintain an overview. Decision-makers are faced with essential questions: Which systems offer the required functions? Which solution suits their own production? How does an efficient selection process work? What preparations are necessary?
An MES introduction also requires far-reaching changes in the organization. Manual workarounds and tried-and-tested processes are replaced by digitalized workflows, which has a lasting impact on day-to-day work. It is also a long-term investment that needs to be strategically thought through.
However, with the right approach, proven methods and the right partners, errors, costs and problems can be drastically minimized when selecting and introducing MES. In the webinar, NEONEX Partner Carsten Weber, Ph.D. and Principal Dr. Peter Stephan will present the success factors for selecting and introducing MES systems using a best practice approach based on more than 20 projects.