We qualify to transform

The digitalization of industry is progressing steadily and allows the virtual and real world to merge. Discover the right entry opportunities for yourself, rethink your goals and lay the foundation for your successful digital change with the offers of our DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION ACADEMY .

Please note: Our open program is in German.
Nevertheless, we are very happy to arrange webinars and seminars in English on request.
Just contact us.

Smart Start

Experiencing Smart Possibilities in Action

What and why? Learn about digital technologies and concepts with the help of real examples in the Smart Start webinars.

Dr. Jochen Schlick Senior Partner & Co-Founder

Smart Factory Kick-off

Get to know the objectives and oriente yourself on application examples

Dr. Jochen Schlick explains the content of the webinar

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The terms Smart Factory and Industry 4.0 have dominated the media for years. But what does it mean? A smart factory offers approaches to achieve cost savings through transparency and automation. With more radical greenfield approaches, completely new value creation concepts are possible. The various industries differ significantly in terms of objectives, freedom of design and the necessary requirements. While the focus in the automotive sector is on worldwide, cost-effective and customer-synchronized production, in mechanical engineering it is the digital twin and the reduction of lead times.


In this webinar we look at the core of the smart factory approach and explain how complexity costs can be avoided through transparency, monitoring and automation. We show you typical brownfield approaches that create a new type of transparency on the basis of real-time data and thus
in turn are the basis of new management processes. For mechanical engineering, we will show you typical applications to significantly shorten the order
settlement process. A look at the visions and implementations of pioneers in the industry rounds off the smart factory overview.


How digitization is changing our economic structure


Basic principles for reducing complexity costs


Typical applications for automotive-related industries and for mechanical engineering


Factories from pioneers


Requirements for a targeted and sustainable digital transformation



Industrial IoT Kick-off

Discover opportunities of IIoT and identify concrete applications
10.11.2022 German


16.30–17.45 CEST

free of charge

Industrial Internet of Things - Hype Technology or Real Opportunity for Manufacturing Companies?

In our IIoT Kick-Off Webinar, we will introduce you to the basic functionality of IIoT architectures and then present a wide range of IIoT use cases in operations. In addition to fast and minimally invasive deviation management for OEE optimization, IIoT also enables e.g. resource-efficient ergonomics or layout planning as well as effective remote factory management through a digital factory twin. To round off the IIoT overview, we will introduce you to some providers and explain in concrete terms how IIoT use cases are implemented on site. The webinar will then provide space for your individual questions. The webinar gives an application-oriented overview of the buzzword term IIoT. By joining, you lay the foundation for identifying and exploiting IIoT potential in your own company.



What IIoT is and how it can be applied


Cost efficiency and other advantages of IIoT applications


Use Cases from NEONEX project experience

Best Practices

Target pictures of pioneers

The right entry

Prerequisites for successful application

Smart Factory

Increasing Operations Productivity with Smart Technologies

Let's do it: In the Smart Factory webinars, we show you how to put the digital transformation of your production into practice.

Thomas Rohrbach Managing Director & Co-Founder

Process- and Factory planning in Virtual Reality

Discover applications of VR and 3D scanning

How can you use 3D scanning and cardboard engineering in VR to streamline your factory and workplace planning process?

In this webinar, you will learn how virtual reality (VR) applications can support your factory planning process: We'll show you how you can easily map future factory floors or individual workstations using virtual reality to test walkways and ergonomics, for example. Using 3D scanning, you can quickly create a true-to-the-original digital twin of your existing factory, which you can walk through digitally and thus use to plan numerous optimization measures. Together we discuss possible use cases and tools of VR for your manufacturing.


Advantages and disadvantages of factory planning in VR


Use Cases from NEONEX projects


& Providers for VR factory planning presented

Best Practices

Reports from our projects

The right start

Prerequisites for successful application

Digital Transformation Roadmap Deep Dive

Understanding Elements of a Holistic Digital Transformation in the Brownfield

How to do a Digital Transformation?

The digital transformation of operations is more than the introduction of a new ERP or MES system or the switch to a paperless office. In this webinar, we demystify the term together and guide you through an ideal digital transformation along the 12-step Digital Transformation Journey model. We will look at changes at the process, technology, and organizational levels that are necessary for success. Along the entire journey, you will receive best practices from NEONEX project experience and from other pioneers in the industry. The webinar offers a structured orientation for the roadmap design of your own digital transformation of operations.


The most important steps of a Digital Transformation

Best Practices

Target images of pioneers


Target images of pioneers

Use Cases

Use Cases from NEONEX project experience

The right entry

Requirements for a successful start

Flexible and efficient assembly layout in VR

A success story about the optimization of assembly at HOMAG

How can assembly be planned to respond more flexibly to fluctuations in demand and increase productivity by over 20 percent? And what is the advantage of using VR software in detailed assembly planning?

In our webinar 'Flexible and efficient assembly layout with the help of VR - A success story about the optimization of HOMAG's assembly' you will get deep insights into the joint project of NEONEX, HOMAG & Halocline. For this we welcome Daniel Schoch, Industrial Engineer of HOMAG and Alexander Nowak, Head of Sales of Halocline.

The aim of the project at HOMAG was to achieve faster order throughput times, greater flexibility across the different types and the smoothing of order peaks in assembly in order to be able to supply the customers of the manufacturer of production solutions for the woodworking industry even faster.

The result of the project is a future-oriented assembly system, which was developed on the basis of data-based design & VR cardboard engineering. In this system, a highly flexible model mix can be assembled without restrictions. HOMAG's employees were able to provide their input throughout the project and thus develop the new system together with NEONEX, which means a productivity increase of at least 20 percent and a breathing system for HOMAG.

If you would like to learn how NEONEX & HOMAG were able to implement the project with the help of Halocline and what benefits resulted, feel free to register for our free webinar!

Smart Factory Planning Deep Dive

Discover approaches and tools for greenfield planning

From the idea to implementation

You have decided to implement a Smart Factory. But how exactly do you go about planning it?
In this webinar, you will learn which methods and technologies can be used in greenfield planning and how to proceed in order to fully develop the potential of a smart factory. Together, we will look at the five phases of smart factory planning and success factors for implementation from past planning projects. We explain why smart factory planning is never fully complete, and why factory planning should be data-driven and scalable. We also take a look at the technologies that can be applied in planning and factory.


Which methods are used in planning?


The five phases of factory planning


in planning & in application

Success factors

Advantages of data-driven, holistic planning

Manufacturing Analytics

Improving Value Creation with Data Analytics

Learn how to harness data for process optimization to business model enhancement in the data analytics webinars.

Simon Klink Principal

Data Analytics Kick-off

Understand the value of data and its analysis

Data is the gold of the 21st century

You've probably heard this phrase before. But how exactly do you create a benefit for your company with data analytics?

In this webinar, we will introduce you to the basics, methods and concrete use cases of data analytics for manufacturing companies. We also want to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of data analytics with you and give you an outlook on how you can quickly and easily get started with the topic.


The necessity of data analysis


From KPI tracking to process mining and artificial intelligence.

Use Cases

Typical applications for automotive-related industries and for mechanical engineering

Best Practices

Data analytics applications from trailblazers.

The right entrance

Prerequisites for targeted and sustainable data analytics

Data-based Value Stream Design Deep Dive

Understand functionality and applications for value stream optimization
27.10.2022 German


16.30–17.45 CEST

free of charge

Dr. Jochen Schlick
Senior Partner & Co-Founder

Value stream design is an important step in the optimization of material and information flows in manufacturing. But why should it be data-driven?

In this webinar, you will learn why you should use data-based value stream design to analyze your value streams quickly, in a standardized and holistic way, and to develop an overall optimum instead of using proxies to risk errors in the recognition of shared resources.


Functionality and advantages of data-based value stream design

Use Cases

Use Cases from NEONEX project experience

Best Practices

Reports from our projects

The right entrance

Prerequisites for successful application

Advanced Analytics Deep Dive

Learn about machine learning and AI applications for industry
12.05.2022 German


16.30–17.45 CEST

free of charge

Simon Klink

You've mastered KPI tracking and business intelligence - now how do you achieve deeper insights using data analytics?

In our Advanced Analytics Deep Dive Webinar, we will introduce you to the possibilities of advanced analytics methods such as process mining, machine learning and applications of artificial intelligence such as NLP (Natural Language Processing) and discuss use cases as well as the advantages and disadvantages together with you.


What is Advanced Analytics?


From process mining to artificial intelligence.

Use Cases

Typical applications for automotive-related industries and for mechanical engineering

Best Practices

Advanced analytics applications from pioneers

The right start

Prerequisites for targeted and sustainable advanced analytics