I4.0 EXPERT Education & Training
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Book yourself an Industrie 4.0 expert and receive time-efficient and targeted assistance with Skype and telephone coaching for emerging questions and decisions around the topic of Digital Transformation.
When does our offer suit you?
As a leader and decision maker in the digital transformation of your business, you face many hurdles that would be more tangible with additional knowledge. Whether it is technology or approach and change, you want an exchange of knowledge at eye level that brings you further. Both before the beginning and during the digital transformation, in the factory or in other direct and indirect processes. There are short-term doubts or questions, or you can’t choose between several options and therefore you are looking for an expert for this strategic course.
How does our performance become your profit?
Direct question - direct support: With the Call the I4.0 Expert program from NEONEX, you will receive up-to-date expert knowledge tailored to your specific application. This enables you to recognize opportunities and risks, increase the quality of planning and implementation and the speed of implementation of the measures in your company. You make decisions in everyday life easier, you act faster and talk about the solution: straight to the point.
What can you expect?
We offer you time vouchers for scheduled 1: 1 Skype sessions with our experts. In doing so, you will select your areas of expertise from a wide range of topics, such as: Transformation & Change, Sm@rt Factory, MES & IT Infrastructure & IT Architecture, AGV, Use Case Approach, Digital Strategy for SMEs, Digital Portfolio. Other topics on request.

Thomas Rohrbach
Managing Director & Co-FounderFANG-AN.DIGITAL
Balance strategic decisions with
independent and experienced experts and
get answers to your questions.