Flexible and efficient assembly layout in VR
A success story about the optimization of assembly at HOMAG
How can assembly be planned to respond more flexibly to fluctuations in demand and increase productivity by over 20 percent? And what is the advantage of using VR software in detailed assembly planning?
In our webinar 'Flexible and efficient assembly layout with the help of VR - A success story about the optimization of HOMAG's assembly' you will get deep insights into the joint project of NEONEX, HOMAG & Halocline. For this we welcome Daniel Schoch, Industrial Engineer of HOMAG and Alexander Nowak, Head of Sales of Halocline.
The aim of the project at HOMAG was to achieve faster order throughput times, greater flexibility across the different types and the smoothing of order peaks in assembly in order to be able to supply the customers of the manufacturer of production solutions for the woodworking industry even faster.
The result of the project is a future-oriented assembly system, which was developed on the basis of data-based design & VR cardboard engineering. In this system, a highly flexible model mix can be assembled without restrictions. HOMAG's employees were able to provide their input throughout the project and thus develop the new system together with NEONEX, which means a productivity increase of at least 20 percent and a breathing system for HOMAG.
If you would like to learn how NEONEX & HOMAG were able to implement the project with the help of Halocline and what benefits resulted, feel free to register for our free webinar!
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