Smart Start Towards Digitalization
29. September 2020- Blog
- Remote Inhouse Training Smart Factory
- Alignment
- Inspiration
- Qualification

Networked production, batch size 1 manufacturing, digitization of the product portfolio - technological possibilities have long been determining the direction of global industry. Our latest survey "Digitization 2020" shows: Digitizers are not only ahead in the long term, but are also better positioned in crisis situations like the current one. But every beginning is difficult, especially under the current circumstances. Those responsible are therefore faced with the practical question: How can I now, despite Corona restrictions, make my added value holistically fit for the digital age and remain competitive in future crises? With our program "Smart Starter" we would like to provide a pragmatic, targeted introduction.
Those who are at the beginning of a Digital Transformation are often unclear about the individual possibilities for their own company. Yes, everyone has a few ideas, but the objectives are far from being coordinated. You could do it that way, but maybe that way too. Do we really need that? And how long should that take? It is like before any upcoming change: You first need an overview and a common direction.
The program Smart Starter aims to provide orientation in regards to Industry 4.0 terminology, to provide inspiration for the possibilities and advantages and to present the procedure for a successful Digital Transformation in a comprehensible manner. In addition, strategies and recommendations for action for your own Digital Transformation are developed in the program.
Management Bootcamp and Qualification Lab
Smart Starter is divided into two individual sub-programs.
It starts with the Management Bootcamp: in four two-hour workshops and a home study on the NEXCON platform, participants from the top management circle set up for digitalization. After a general introduction to the topic, you will get to know practical application examples from production and logistics using videos. The specialty: After each use case, the importance for your own company is assessed by voting. In conjunction with a SWOT analysis, a roadmap for overcoming the most important challenges is developed, including clear work processes, tasks, tools and timetables.
The Qualification Lab is then aimed at the core team that will implement digitization in the company. In contrast to the bootcamp, which can be carried out for up to 150 participants at the same time, the focus here is on individual qualification. In groups of up to 10 participants, essentials, application examples and procedures are explained and discussed in 12 one-hour sessions.
Certified, location-independent online program
A big advantage of the Smart Starter program: It is carried out completely online and can therefore be carried out conveniently from home or any other place even in times of COVID-19. With the Management Bootcamp, you can also tick the keyword efficiency: You can seldomly get the global Top Management “at one table” and coordinated that quickly and easily.
And don't worry: Remote doesn't equal boring.
Because our program consists of numerous videos, voting sessions and interactive discussions.
After completing the program, all participants will receive a certificate and digital badge for LinkedIn.