2020 in Review
14. December 2020- In Review
- NEONEX Insights

The year 2020 ...
was really special in every way. Wear a mask, keep your distance, lockdown: things that no one had on their radar before suddenly became reality. A pandemic that would keep the whole world in suspense for months, bring social life to a standstill, paralyze the economy and put loved ones in danger. We, the invincible humans, hadn't imagined that.
At NEONEX, too, the world got a little out of hand: Consulting on site? Not possible. So we had to get creative quickly in order to not let digital transformation projects pause or fail. It was a time of uncertainty, work and ingenuity. But in the end we developed new consulting methods that we can continue to use after the pandemic.
This year we set up two programs to qualify and coordinate the management and transformation teams, which take place entirely online. We were also able to further expand our analytics division and, in cooperation with partners and new colleagues, develop our first own software, which is already being used successfully by customers for inventory optimization.
In existing transformation projects, including at the pump manufacturer KSB and the Mexican white goods manufacturer Mabe, we were able to implement further digital use cases remotely, which increase profitability there.
Within the team, the pandemic has brought us closer together in many ways - despite the geographic distance.
So we end the year with a largely positive conclusion - and hope that you, our customers, partners, service providers and supporters - feel the same way.